Opinion on Identity first Language and Jigsaw Pieces

We are not broken puzzles, 

Waiting for someone,

To fix us.

Place us in neatly organized boxes.

'Person with autism' they say.

Like it's a coat we can shed,

When the seasons change


We are autistic,

Woven into the very fabric of who we are,

It's in every brushstroke.

Every word we write.

The way we see the world,

In colours and patterns,

Others might not understand.

Society tries to mold us,

To their standards of normality. 

Like we're clay in their hands,

Byt we're not meant to fit,

In their narrow space.

We need ramps not just for wheels, 

But for minds that navigate,

The world differently,

Stop trying to fix what is not broken,

Learn to listen,

To the symphony of our existence.

It's about embracing, 

Not just including.

Understand that when we say,

'autistic person',

We're claiming our space,

In the vast spectrum,

Of human identity.

We're not missing pieces,

We're complete,

Our autism isn't a shadow,

Following us.

It's the light,

We see the world by.

So next time,

Before you try to correct,

'person with autism'.


Our identity is not an accessory,

It's the melody to which,

Our lives dance. 

This is the social model,

It's about changing the environment,

Not the person,

Because we're just fine,

As we are.


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