Phobia in Homophobia

 In the quiet of twilight's shadow, where love dares to whisper its name, 

we find a world, tangled in sorrow, where phobia is a misnomer, a misguided claim. 

Not a fear born of nature or the unknown depths of the night, 

but a cloak, veiled in prejudice, an unwillingness to embrace the light. 

Ignorance breeds this shadow, a heart locked tight, unwilling to see 

the simple fact of love in all its forms, wild, boundless, and free. 

Phobia suggests a terror, involuntary, a chill to one's core, 

not this learned disdain, a shut door on love's endless lore. 

Yet they stand, the unyielding, wielding phobia like a shield, 

as if homophobia were a monster in their hearts they're forced to wield. 

But fear is not the master here, no trembling hand or beaten sigh, 

but a chosen blindness, a refusal of the rainbow stretching wide across the sky. 

The heart knows no borders, no genders, no decree, 

that love is love, in all its forms, fierce in its plea. 

We fight not phobias but walls, built of stone and cruel decree, 

to tear them down, to let the light in, where love is simply free. 

In the challenge of dawn's early light, with hearts wide open, clear as day, 

we reclaim the term, cast it aside, and walk boldly, love's true sway. 

For in the end, homophobia must fall, its falsehood clear as the sun's warm embrace, 

In a world where love conquers all, in every time, in every place.

- Aspen Greenwood 


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