I am a 7 but...

Hello, dear readers,

Today, I am thrilled to share a poem that I recently penned, titled I am a 7 but.... This piece emerged from a contemplation of how our identities and worth are often reduced to mere numbers, particularly in an era driven by quantification and superficial judgements. Let’s delve deeper into the themes and reflections inspired by this poem.

I am a 7 but...

They compressed my essence, 

Into a single digit, 

Like pouring oceans into teacups, 

Or trapping sunrises in jars. 

How do you measure a heartbeat, 

With a ruler? 

Or weigh a dream, 

On a scale? 

They want numbers, 

To define us, 

As if we were, 

Formulae or statistics.

The Ineffability of Human Essence

At the heart of this poem lies a profound truth: human essence cannot be encapsulated by a single number. They compressed my essence, into a single digit, speaks to the reductionist tendency to simplify complex beings into quantifiable entities. The metaphors of pouring oceans into teacups and trapping sunrises in jars poignantly illustrate the futility and absurdity of trying to contain something vast, beautiful, and limitless within confined parameters.

Beyond Quantification: The Heartbeat and the Dream

How do you measure a heartbeat with a ruler? Or weigh a dream on a scale? These rhetorical questions challenge the reader to consider the intrinsic value and unquantifiable nature of our innermost experiences and aspirations. A heartbeat signifies life, emotion, and vitality, none of which can be accurately captured through mere measurement. Similarly, dreams, laden with hopes and aspirations, transcend the limitations of physical scales.

The Tyranny of Numbers

In the modern world, we are increasingly subjected to the tyranny of numbers. From academic grades to social media likes, from credit scores to employee performance ratings, even in dating there is an incessant demand to quantify our worth. They want numbers to define us, as if we were formulae or statistics, laments the poem, highlighting the dehumanising aspect of such practices. We are not formulae; we are stories, emotions, and experiences intertwined in intricate and unique ways.

Embracing Complexity and Rejecting Reductionism

I am a 7 but... is a call to embrace the complexity of human identity. It urges us to reject reductionist tendencies that strip away the richness of our experiences. As individuals, we must resist the pressure to conform to numerical definitions of our worth and instead, celebrate the multifaceted nature of our existence.

In closing, I hope this poem and the reflections it has inspired resonate with you. Let us strive to see beyond the numbers and appreciate the profound depth and diversity that define us as individuals. We are not mere statistics; we are dynamic beings with infinite potential.

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences on this subject. Let's continue this conversation in the comments below!

Warm regards,

Aspen Greenwood 


  1. Aspen this is incredibly insightful and inspiring. Thank you.

  2. I think a lot of people would relate to this. I know people in the science crowd would.


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