
I wake up, 

With a chest heavy as iron,  

A fortress of worry and doubt,  

Wrapped around my ribs, 

Like a shield against myself.

These walls I built so high  

To keep the world out,

Only make me crumble, 

From the inside.

My heart,  

A delicate flower,

Hidden beneath layers,

Of steel petals,  

Afraid to open.

Every breath echoes through,

This hollow armour,  

Each pulse a reminder,

Of how fragile,

I truly am.

I wear resilience like a mask,  

Fooling everyone, including me,  

Into thinking,

I am unbreakable.

But in the silence,  

When no one sees,  

I feel the weight, 

Of my own defenses,

And the ache,

Of my own need,

To simply be, 

Naked in my vulnerability.


The strongest thing we can do, 

Is allow ourselves,

To be soft and to feel.

Every crack in this armour  

Is a testament  

To my survival,  

And every tear shed beneath it,

Is a sign:

I am still -

Beautifully human. 

Unmasking My Truth: The Emotional Journey Behind My Poem on Mental Health

Writing poetry has always been my sanctuary, a place where I can explore the depths of my emotions and experiences without judgment. My recent poem, which delves into the harrowing yet liberating process of unmasking around mental health, was born from a very personal journey. It’s a journey marked by the struggle to reconcile the façade of resilience with the tender, vulnerable core of my true self.

The Genesis of the Poem

The seed of this poem was planted during a particularly challenging period of my life around 15. I woke up one morning, feeling a weight on my chest, a sensation I likened to iron—a stark, unyielding heaviness that seemed impossible to shake. This feeling was not new to me; it had been my constant companion, a fortress I had unwittingly built to shield myself from the world's prying eyes.

As I lay there, grappling with my thoughts, I began to visualize this fortress. It was then that I realized these walls, meant to protect me, were actually confining me. The imagery of iron ribs and steel petals came naturally, representing the barriers I had erected around my heart. Despite their strength, these barriers made me crumble from the inside, isolating me from the very essence of who I am.

The Unmasking

For years, I wore resilience like a mask. It was easier to pretend to be unbreakable than to confront the pain and fear lurking beneath the surface. Society often equates vulnerability with weakness, and I had internalised this notion deeply. However, in moments of solitude, the mask would slip, and I would feel the full weight of my defenses.

The process of unmasking is neither linear nor straightforward. It involves confronting long-buried emotions and fears, and allowing oneself to feel the raw, unfiltered reality of those feelings. For me, writing this poem was an act of courage. It was my way of peeling back the layers, of showing the world—and myself—the delicate flower hidden beneath the steel petals.

The Beauty in Vulnerability

One of the most profound realizations I had during this journey is that vulnerability is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. To allow oneself to be soft, to feel, and to express that tenderness openly, is an act of immense courage. Every crack in my armour, every tear shed beneath it, is a testament to my survival and humanity.

The line, 'Sometimes, the strongest thing we can do is allow ourselves to be soft and to feel' encapsulates this truth. In embracing my vulnerability, I discovered a reservoir of strength I never knew existed. I learned that it's okay to be fragile, to need support, and to show the world my true, unmasked self.

Moving Forward

Writing this poem was a cathartic experience, a release of emotions that had been pent up for far too long. It was a step towards accepting and loving myself, in all my beautiful humanity. As I move forward, I hope to continue this journey of unmasking, of shedding the layers that no longer serve me, and of embracing the delicate flower within.

To anyone reading this, who may be on a similar journey, I want to say: You are not alone. The process of unmasking is difficult, but it is also incredibly liberating. Allow yourself to feel, to be vulnerable, and to find strength in your softness. You are beautifully human, and that is more than enough.

Thank you for taking the time to read my poem and my story. I hope it resonates with you and inspires you to embark on your own journey of unmasking. Together, we can create a world where vulnerability is celebrated, and where we can all feel safe to be our true selves.



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