The Ribbon

Life has a way of presenting us with unexpected connections, often in the most unforeseen circumstances. One such connection that profoundly shaped my heart was with my ex-partner's daughter. Our bond, though unconventional and not bound by blood, became a testament to the beauty of relationships formed through shared experiences and genuine affection.

 The Ribbon

In a box of memories, behind the Christmas lights,

a crimson ribbon, frayed, tied in a soft bow.

It wasn't mine. Yet each loop, each thread

whispered a story not entirely unknown.

She came into my life like a song you can't remember

hearing for the first time, already familiar,

a lilting tune of giggles and borrowed shoes.

Eyes wide, with wonder, like unwrapped gifts.

Sundays with her were tangles of play and books,

fingers sticky with jam, her laughter

bouncing off the walls, light as air,

while I traced the curls of her hair, golden threads.

Once, she fell asleep in the crook of my arm,

heartbeat gentle, tiny breaths on my skin,

and I thought: this is what it feels like

to hold the universe without owning it.

She grew, as children do, in bursts of independence,

leaving little shoes and outgrown dresses in her wake,

her voice a map of questions, infinite why's.

And I, the guide, with answers stitched from borrowed wisdom.

There were days of tears, scraped knees, lost toys,

when the ribbon was more than a bow,

it was a promise, a bond we did not choose,

yet honoured with every smile and shared sorrow.

Years unfurled, like the ribbon slipping through time,

and though she wandered paths my hands could not hold,

she carried pieces of me, my stories, my heart,

knotted in the quiet folds of her own.

In a box of memories, beside the fading lights,

the ribbon remains, a keepsake of borrowed love,

a testament to moments neither mine nor hers alone,

but ours, tied in a bow, forever frayed, forever whole.

Life's connections often come from unexpected places, teaching us profound lessons about love, responsibility, and the beauty of shared experiences. My bond with my ex's daughter, much like the crimson ribbon, may have been frayed over time, but it remains a precious keepsake, a symbol of a love that was genuine and deeply impactful.

The poem The Ribbon beautifully captures the essence of these unique relationships. It serves as a reminder that love doesn't always follow conventional paths, but it is these unexpected connections that often leave the most lasting impressions on our hearts.

- Aspen Greenwood 


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