Tiny Turtle Shells

Finding Strength in the Struggle: A Journey Through Health

Tiny Turtle Shells

Tiny turtle shells 

hide the weight 

of ancient oceans 

on their backs

like you and I 

carry our worlds 

behind fragile smiles

slow steps 

through time’s tide 

seeking shorelines 

we can’t yet see

but oh, the strength 

in each weary stride 

and in the knowing 

that we are enough

even when burdened 

by the heaviest waves 

we carry on

small, steady 

and unbreakable


Life has a way of testing our resilience in ways we never imagined. Lately, I have been grappling with challenges that have made each day feel like an uphill battle. My physical and mental health have been put to the test, leaving me feeling vulnerable and, at times, overwhelmed. 

The poem above resonates deeply with my current state. Just like the tiny turtles, we often bear the weight of our worlds on our backs, hidden behind smiles that don't always reveal the full extent of our struggles. It's a gentle reminder that we are not alone in this journey; each of us carries unseen burdens that test our strength and resolve.

The path through these tough times is seldom clear, much like the shoreline that remains out of sight for the slow-stepping turtles. Yet, there is a profound strength in every step we take, no matter how weary we might feel. The simple act of moving forward, even when the weight feels insurmountable, is a testament to our resilience.

I’ve found solace in small, steady progress. Each stride, no matter how hesitant, brings us closer to a place of healing and understanding. It's in these moments that we need to remember that we are enough, just as we are, with all our struggles and imperfections.

The journey to better health—both physical and mental—is not a race but a series of small, meaningful steps. Even when the waves crash hardest against us, it's crucial to hold onto the belief that we can and will carry on. We are small, yet steady, and ultimately unbreakable.

For those who are also navigating through rough seas, know that you are not alone. Each of us has an inner strength that can withstand the heaviest of burdens. Let’s continue to move forward together, one step at a time, towards the shorelines that await us.

In solidarity,



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