Asylum Seekers

They say you are thieves,  

Stealing our bread,  

Our roofs,  

Our air.  

But they don’t see  

The haunted dreams  

Of the journey here,  

Or hear the whispers  

Of lands left behind.  

Your pockets hold,

Not the riches of nations,  

But a meager £8.60,

Doled out like crumbs per week,

From a table too tall.  

They claim you burden us,  

But forget  

The weight of the world  

You carry  

In silence.  


Who have crossed oceans  

And borders of the heart,  

Arriving with nothing  

But hope.  

The myth of theft  

Is spun by those  

Who clutch tightly  

Their overflowing plates,  

Turning eyes away  

From your empty hands.  

Yet your strength  

Blooms from the cracks,  


Like wildflowers  

In a city’s concrete.  

Let us tell them:  

Our wealth  

Is not diminished  

By sharing,  

But multiplied  

By compassion.  

You are not a threat,  

But a testament  

To the endurance  

Of the human spirit.  

May we see you  

For who you are,  

Not for what  

They say you take.  

For in truth,  

It is we  

Who have much  

To learn  

From your courage.  

And perhaps,  

In giving,  

We become rich  

Beyond measure. 

Today, I participated in a service event as part of my role that focused on the pressing issues faced by asylum seekers. As I sat and listened, I was struck by the stark contrast between the common perceptions and the harsh realities these individuals face. It became apparent that the support they receive is minimal, often falling short of meeting their basic needs. This revelation compelled me to delve deeper into the subject when I returned home, seeking to understand the intricacies of their struggles and resilience. 

In my research, I unearthed stories that were both heartbreaking and inspiring. Asylum seekers, often fleeing unimaginable circumstances, are met with challenges that test their limits even further. The narratives I encountered spoke of courage, hope, and an unwavering spirit. These individuals are not mere statistics or burdens, but bearers of incredible stories and strength.

My exploration led me to write the poem above, a tribute to the enduring spirit of asylum seekers. It reflects on the misconceptions surrounding them and calls for a reevaluation of our perspectives. Through this poem, I hoped to convey that the wealth of a society is not in its ability to hoard, but in its willingness to share and embrace diversity. 

The journey of an asylum seeker is fraught with uncertainty, yet it is their hope that propels them forward. This hope should not be met with suspicion but with understanding and support. As a community, we must recognize that extending a helping hand enriches us all, fostering a world built on compassion and solidarity.

Let us remember that in their stories lie lessons of resilience and strength. By acknowledging the humanity in every asylum seeker, we open ourselves to learning and growing together, creating a richer tapestry of life.

In closing, may we challenge ourselves to see asylum seekers not through the lens of what they lack, but through the abundance of courage and potential they bring. In doing so, we find that true wealth is indeed found in the strength of our shared humanity. 

Love and solidarity, 

Aspen Greenwood 


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