

Today, I stumbled upon a startling fact: 0% of those claiming PIP and Attendance Allowance aren't actually disabled. It's shocking to realize that the system, designed to support those in need, makes us jump through hoops for mere existence. The statistics show that the fear of fraud is overshadowing the reality of genuine need. It feels as though the regulations are doing more harm than good, preventing people who truly need these benefits from receiving them, all for the sake of avoiding a tiny amount of fraud.

Here's a poem to express this frustration:

Another story, the same old tune,  

Where the truth’s dismissed far too soon.  

Zero percent, but they call us fraud,  

While they sit on top, kings of the hoard.

They point the finger, sell you the lie,  

“Benefits drain the economy dry.”  

But it’s not about fraud, or where the money went,  

It’s about control and in our heads a space they rent.   

They make us fight for scraps, for crumbs,  

While the wealthy tap on golden drums.  

We face the test: "Are you sure you’re real?” 

Because empathy's lost in this cold, hard deal.

One lie, they say, is all it takes,  

But the system’s built on their mistakes.  

It’s not the fraudsters draining the bank,  

It’s those who profit, the top of the rank.

They’ve got their eyes set on saving cash,  

At the cost of lives, with a simple slash.  

And while they feast, they make it plain,  

That the poor, the sick, will take the blame.

So next time they talk of benefits drained,  

Ask them where the wealth’s been chained.  

The real problem’s where the money’s locked,  

Not those of us fighting from the dock.

In love and solidarity, 

Aspen Greenwood 


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